Second week and 11th day of my raw milk cure journey
Last night I slept great until 3am, then I was awake and dozing until the alarm went off for GC. (He has to work at the same time I start, but has a commute as well). I think it was a combination of the warmer night (50’s) and that GC sleeps cold and turns the mattress heater on. Thank goodness I switched to the lighter comforter or it would have been a lot worse.
The hardest parts of this are the physical changes and issues related to the detoxing, not the lack of solid food. I’m not craving food. I’m not missing chewing or even another taste other than the milk. Watching GC eat pork rinds and salsa wasn’t hard. Having him eat my home-made chili next to me later wasn’t hard either. I’m not missing food.
I’m starting to drink more water though. I’m wondering if part of the symptoms were slight dehydration (though how I can be dehydrated on three and a half quarts of milk is beyond me).
Tags: milk cure, milk diet, milk fast, Raw Milk, raw milk cure