Feed on
1 gallon of raw milk

Day 8 of my Raw Milk Journey.

Sleeping continues well.  I woke at 5am and went back to sleep until 6am.  Win! That was a full 7 hours of real sleep and a 1 hour doze.  Its great, since I really can’t nap (anything less than a 2 hour nap leaves me worse off than I was before. Which means no naps until it’s too late to nap.

Today was my housecleaning day.  It’s a lot of going up and down stairs, lugging stuff. Considering that mornings and early afternoons are the times I’m feeling best, I started immediately upon waking up. I had to do it between milk breaks, so it took me longer than it usually does. It was harder than normal though. Besides having to stop for milk breaks, I felt warmer than usual, and had some abnormal (for me) body aches.  Specifically in the right mid back. It’s similar to the place I had issues during the milk cure last year, but it hasn’t been back since.

It was also nice enough to spend an hour outside on the deck yesterday. Even though it was still in the mid 50’s, spring is finally coming to the DC area. On a sunny day, with my deck protected by the two townhouses on either side of me to stave off the wind, 55 can feel quite a bit warmer.

I ended up drinking a lot of water today in between the milk. Perhaps it was all the moving about during house cleaning. Regardless of the reason, I had 5 or 6 tall glasses of ice water today.  It tasted really good.

I’m following the same pattern now for most of this cure.  Feeling good during the day and then having detox symptoms kicking in during the late afternoon evening. Today I was affected earlier. Luckily after the house was clean and I had my deck time in.  Mostly stomach issues today, the back ache went away soon after the housecleaning again.  Still, it involved a lot of quick trips to the bathroom.  So much that I decided to stay close to the restroom and so with the help of my iPad and a bluetooth portable speaker, I turned my living room into an entertainment room.  The only televisions I have in my house are a small television in the kitchen/breakfast room and the larger one hooked up to the TiVo downstairs. But yesterday, neither of them was close enough.  So I ended up streaming Amazon Prime Videos on the iPad the rest of the evening.

A detox bath rounded out my evening and after that I was so sleepy I was asleep by 9:30.

Related Posts from Last Year:

Vital Statistics

Bathroom trips definitely helped my weight and bloating.  Down 2 pounds and only .8 pounds from my lowest weight.  Fasting glucose was still up, but steady from yesterday.  What surprised me so much is that my noon and bedtime readings were so low. Perhaps from all the physical movement?

Day Weight Basal Temp Glucose: Fasting Glucose: Noon Glucose: Bed
Baseline From 2012 201.4 97.9 114 104 110
End Result Milk Cure 2012 196.0 97.9 103 82 120
Baseline From 2013 176.6 98.1 103 102 81
Day 0 (Juice Fast) 174.4 98.3 103 121 90
Day 1 174.4 98.1 116 104 100
Day 2 174.0 97.9 119 106 104
Day 3 174.4 98.3 114 101 100
Day 4 174.2 97.9 111 106 109
Day 5 174.6 98.0 108 93 100
Day 6 176.4 98.2 96 107 99
Day 7 176.8 98.0 107 121 117
Day 8 174.8 98.0 107 84 87

2 Responses to “Raw Milk Cure 2013: Day 8”

  1. Cyana says:

    Sandra, way to go!! Two pounds down is fantastic! I’m certain that your lower glucose readings are from all your activity. You were using up your glycogen stores and lowering your sugar numbers. I used to tract my glucose a few years ago, I’d check it several times a day, I was pre-diabetic according to my doctor. I went low carb, lost some weight and took up running and it all got better. One thing that used to make me crazy was that I could take two readings in a row and get a 15 point spread sometimes. So I went from a hundred dollar meter to a two hundred dollar meter and then the point spread went to a maximum of 10 points, but that was still enough to make me crazy. There is a big difference between 100 and 110 in my mind anyways. I complained to my doctor and he said I just needed to watch the “trend” and that it happened to them in their office too. If they got a reading that seemed too high they often could take a second reading and have it be better.

    I did cut down on my milk consumption yesterday it was hard to drink all my milk with the rumbling going on in my tummy. By evening time I still had a quart to go and didn’t know how I was going to do it. So I gave in and made a smoothie. I mixed one pint raw milk with a cup of yogurt (that I made a few weeks ago from my whole raw milk) and then added half a cup of frozen organic raspberries and then I added half a small banana. OMG! is all I can say, it was delicious and decadent. My mouth loved the feel of something a bit thicker than just milk and the flavors of the yogurt and fruit were savored very slowly. This certainly satisfied the crazy cravings for food that had been consuming me in the evening. On a good note my rumbling stomach instantly got quite and I was able to sleep all night without a trip to the bathroom.

    I’m down three more pounds from yesterday!! That makes me very happy indeed. From April 1st to April 6th I’ve dropped a total of 9 lbs. I’m sure that some of that is water, some of it must be toxins leaving my body and hopefully some of it is “Fat”. I don’t expect these results to continue on into the following weeks, I would not be surprised to be up a pound or two in a day or so but for today I feel good and seeing the scale go down makes me happy. It is enough to keep me going on this journey.

    Time to go milk my cow. ps: I love drinking a cup of milk warm right after I milk, doesn’t get much fresher than that.