Day 1 of my Raw Milk Journey
I went to sleep about 9pm last night, and slept deeply until I was Woken up at 5:40 this morning by my alarm. Oops forgot to turn it off yesterday since its my day off today. But I had some things I had to get done this morning before I start the routine today. Because today and tomorrow will be fairly tough.
Since I’m drinking 5.3 ounces of milk on the hour and the half hour from 7am to 7pm for the first two days it doesn’t leave me a lot of time to do things around the house. If I’m lucky I’ll have 15 minutes in between sips of milk every half hour.
So I dragged myself out of bed at 6am, and got into the shower to wash my hair. I don’t wash my hair every day, but today was a day to do so. When I woke up, I still had a slight headache left over from yesterday, but that quickly dissipated in the shower.
At 7am, the Westminster Chimes app started playing. Too bad I didn’t hear it. For about 10 minutes earlier in the hour, I was frantically searching for my phone, which pretty much has to be near at hand for the next three weeks. I had only been in two rooms in my house that morning (bedroom and kitchen) but I couldn’t find it. Finally found it in the junk basket on my kitchen counter. (I might not look my age, but I do sometimes think like my age.) So I had the phone near at hand at 7am but it didn’t chime. Turns out the volume on the phone was all the way off. Corrected for the rest of the day.
After yesterday, just sipping raw milk is a pleasure. While yesterday wasn’t as bad as I feared for my stomach, the milk is soothing to both my throat and stomach in a way the juice is not. I felt pretty good in the morning, though my headache kept coming back up if I bent over.
One of the issues with the first two days is how little time there is to get much done. Remembering this, I planned better. One of the things I wanted to do this year is to clean my refrigerator. Since there is so little in it this week, it makes sense to give it a good cleaning with vinegar. The good thing is I could do in steps, one shelf at a time, which works well with taking milk drinking breaks. I did this early in the morning before any detoxing effects could happen. Afterwards I cleaned my kitchen floor with the vinegar and water. I’ll do most of the house cleaning next week, but somehow it offends me to have a messy kitchen when I’m not really using it.
I did pretty well until 11am, when my headache returned and I got some body aches. I decided to take two cups of milk with me and ran another detox bath. It didn’t take the headache away, but it helped with the body aches. What I wanted more than anything is a nap, but that doesn’t really happen during the cure. (Neither does sleeping late.)
After the bath I alternated periods of alertness and tiredness. Some of the tiredness I can attribute to a very busy March full of travel, activities and work. Today was literally the first day in all of March where I had absolutely nothing to do. (I have deliberately cleared my calendar for these three weeks.)
I spent much of the afternoon reading when I could and watching some TiVo recorded shows. I realized that I have 5 episodes of last season’s Game of Thrones saved, so I might treat myself to a marathon tomorrow.
7pm was the last cup of milk for the day. No more chimes today either. I forgot how regimented a true milk cure is. Instead of another detox bath, I instead spent time practicing reiki on myself. It must have worked, I was so relaxed, I fell asleep at 8:30
If you are doing the milk cure, in whatever way you are choosing to do it, let us know how you are doing today in the comments.
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Vital Statistics
I wasn’t surprised after last year to see my glucose fasting number to be so high, especially after a day of more sugar (albeit fruit and no added sugars only) than I’m used to eating in more than a month. Weight is steady, which is nice. and my basal temperature is still on the higher side. I’m hoping that keeps up since basal temperature is an indication of metabolism and if that is true, then my low carb eating this year has boosted my metabolism. Time will tell though
Day | Weight | Basal Temp | Glucose: Fasting | Glucose: Noon | Glucose: Bed |
Baseline From 2012 | 201.4 | 97.9 | 114 | 104 | 110 |
End Result Milk Cure 2012 | 196.0 | 97.9 | 103 | 82 | 120 |
Baseline From 2013 | 176.6 | 98.1 | 103 | 102 | 81 |
Day 0 (Juice Fast) | 174.4 | 98.3 | 103 | 121 | 90 |
Day 1 | 174.4 | 98.1 | 116 | 104 | 100 |
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