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Since moving from Los Angeles 10 years ago, I’ve found my eating habits have evolved. I’m spending less time at super markets and more time going to farms, farmers markets and orchards. I’m preserving, eating better quality, better tasting food and feeling wonderful while I do it.

Right now my day job is as a computer programmer. I love my job, but its not feeding my passions. So I’m considering going back to school to get a holistic health degree. I figure the schooling will help me to help other people. This blog will allow me to riff on the subjects I’m most passionate about and hopefully allow me to help others as well as I journey on this path.

Right now to start, I’m planning on one post a week, to be released Wednesday’s around noon.  As time goes on, I’ll probably write more, but I want to find a good pace for myself.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. Recently found you when googling, “how long is raw milk good for.” Am so glad I did!
    It sounds like we are on the same journey of discovering the passion behind GOOD food, made from pure ingredients and grown with love 🙂 Looking forward to following your journey and of course going back and reading all your back posts (enjoyed the Raw Milk Cure last night!)

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