Week 3 and day 20 of my raw milk cure journey
Along with falling asleep at 8:30, comes a wake up at 4:30. I know why I’m falling asleep so early, but I’m hopeful that once I’m off all this milk, that I’ll be able to push my bedtime to 9:30 (I still need 8 hours of sleep). Only two days left on just pure milk. I’m both happy and sad that I’m almost at the end of this journey. And I call it a journey because it has become one. Three weeks, where I take myself out of parts of my regular life and choose to focus on healing myself and discovering what raw milk can do for me.
Last year was all about my weight loss and it really kicked off my weight loss focus. As of today I’ve lost 25.8 pounds from the original weight of 200 I started at. While many of you might look at that as a slow weight loss, I’m grateful. I’m 50 years old and while I don’t look it, (or act it) there are parts of my body that work like a 50-year-old woman. Weight loss seems to be one of those areas. I’m almost half way to my goal and if I don’t hit my goal but come close, I’ll be happy.
This year’s cure is totally related to my blood sugars and diabetes. Since Day 12, my blood sugars have steadily been below 100 (with one reading only just barely above). I’ve conclusively proved that at least for myself, the milk sugars in raw milk do not affect my blood sugar count. I know it was different last year, but I think that the benefits of a raw milk cure are cumulative.
One of the questions I went into this with was “Will I derive any benefits from doing this yearly or is this really a one shot deal when I’ve had a rough year health-wise?” I think I’ve answered that question for myself. With different beneficial effects for each of the two years I have done this, I think doing the milk cure in the spring will become a yearly rite.
Today was a good day in many ways. I not only felt good, but I got my grade back for my pharmacology class. I submitted a 46 page exam and received 100%. That felt good. The other good thing is that I’m finally finished with the basics of this degree, the stuff I wasn’t excited about, but had to buckle down and take. Now I get to start on the fun stuff. My next class is herbology. Which given how well my herbal cold medicines worked, I’m really looking forward to.
Today was also the first time I felt regular in my restroom trips. No hurried trips, no constipation. Instead everything was regular. I’m not bloated, I’m feeling good. I also felt yesterday’s workout. My pectorals, upper arms and obliques really were sore today. I’m supposed to do it again tomorrow. I hope the soreness resides so I can.
Sleepy and in bed at 8:30.
Related Posts from Last Year:
Vital Statistics
Weight is steady from yesterday. I know I’ll be moving down to the 173’s shortly. Whether it will be in the next few days or not remains to be seen. My tongue is now pink on the edges, but a white furrow has appeared in the middle.
Glucose numbers are still below 100 consistently. Is this my new normal? Or will it change once I go off all this milk?
Day |
Weight |
Basal Temp |
Glucose: Fasting |
Glucose: Noon |
Glucose: Bed |
Baseline From 2012 |
201.4 |
97.9 |
114 |
104 |
110 |
End Result Milk Cure 2012 |
196.0 |
97.9 |
103 |
82 |
120 |
Baseline From 2013 |
176.6 |
98.1 |
103 |
102 |
81 |
Day 0 (Juice Fast) |
174.4 |
98.3 |
103 |
121 |
90 |
Day 1 |
174.4 |
98.1 |
116 |
104 |
100 |
Day 2 |
174.0 |
97.9 |
119 |
106 |
104 |
Day 3 |
174.4 |
98.3 |
114 |
101 |
100 |
Day 4 |
174.2 |
97.9 |
111 |
106 |
109 |
Day 5 |
174.6 |
98.0 |
108 |
93 |
100 |
Day 6 |
176.4 |
98.2 |
96 |
107 |
99 |
Day 7 |
176.8 |
98.0 |
107 |
121 |
117 |
Day 8 |
174.8 |
98.0 |
107 |
84 |
87 |
Day 9 |
174.4 |
98.1 |
106 |
96 |
90 |
Day 10 |
175.0 |
98.2 |
111 |
104 |
103 |
Day 11 |
174.2 |
97.9 |
95 |
123 |
95 |
Day 12 |
174.8 |
98.2 |
87 |
94 |
88 |
Day 13 |
174.2 |
97.9 |
87 |
86 |
85 |
Day 14 |
175.2 |
97.9 |
101 |
92 |
88 |
Day 15 |
174.6 |
97.7 |
93 |
99 |
84 |
Day 16 |
174.4 |
98.1 |
91 |
83 |
91 |
Day 17 |
173.6 |
97.9 |
94 |
98 |
96 |
Day 18 |
174.0 |
98.0 |
90 |
98 |
93 |
Day 19 |
174.2 |
98.0 |
95 |
92 |
94 |
Day 20 |
174.2 |
98.3 |
92 |
98 |
96 |
Tags: milk cure, milk diet, milk fast, Raw Milk, raw milk cure